Boos, Ben. Swords: An Artist's Devotion. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press, 2008. 88 pages. $24.99 ISBN 9780763631482
Plot Summary: Swords is a book about just that, swords. Boos illustrates swords of different time periods and types giving background information and folklore about the people who used the swords. He illustrates how to hold the swords, how they were used and most importantly the beautiful detail of the swords.
Critical Evaluation: This book is beautifully illustrated. If it is only enjoyed for the illustrations it would be worth it, but there is also a lot of interesting information on the history of swords as well.
Reader's Annotation: Follow the history and use of swords in this elaborately illustrated book.
Author Bio: Ben Boos lives in California with his wife and 3 (almost 4) children. He worked for Blizzard North as an illustrator and graphic designer for computer games. He is currently working on his second book.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Folklore
Curriculum Ties: This book can span many periods of history, which makes it a good classroom resource to pull out and examine swords of different time periods.
Booktalking Ideas: I think just showing a few pages of the book and talking about how many different kinds of swords there are would be an effective booktalk.
Reading Level/Interest Age: Ages 9 and up
Challenges: None.
Reason for including: I saw this book at the library and was taken away with the gorgeous illustrations. I love swords (former fencer), so a book full of the history of swords with such amazing illustrations was a fantastic find.
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